Jua Kali Intermediate Technology

Increasing the load carrying capacity of a bicycle PDF Print E-mail

Bicycle and Side Trailer


In order to increase the carrying capacity of a bicycle a side trailer was made. This uses only one extra wheel compared with a two wheeled trailer and bicycle wheels are costly.




The trailer box was clamped to the bicycle in two places allowing it to be removed easily.

Using the trailer


In the event the trailer proved almost impossible to use due to the peculiar handling characteristics when turning.

Only one of several operators was able to develop the necessary skills .A major objection was mounting from the right hand side when being accustomed to mount from the left.


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Donkey Cart Harness PDF Print E-mail

Traditional Harness


This simple harness is made from cheap locally available materials.

Its main limitation is that the vertical load from the cart is taken on the neck and not the back.

The force to pull the cart along is the part of the harness which is against the animal’s breast.

The whole unit is a very loose fit and on downward slopes the cart is braked by contact with the hind legs of the animal.

There is room for improvement...

Improved Harness


The saddle carries the load of the shafts and separates this from the force needed to pull the cart.

The animal exerts a pulling force through the breast band which is adjusted to suit the size of the animal.

Drawings available




This is made from wood or sheet metal which is then padded and covered with waterproof canvas.

Note that there is a space at the top so that the weight does not rest on the animal’s backbone.

The weight of the shafts is carried on the animals back by the chain which is stronger and more reliable than a rope.


Comments (1)
donkey cart
1Monday, 30 July 2012 16:34
the straddle is back to far on his back it should be nearer to his withers

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